welcome to our weekly blog: Club Outlier
A weekly audio exposition of the gothic & existential strain
inspiring our conceptual fantasies of disruption to Rise to Become, One with Yourself.
Brought to you by Meris & Ken. From across the world & the sea of time.
Where EAST meets WEST and GEN Z meets GEN X.
First the characters of The Dragon That Never Dies universe will bring you the weekly 5 Outlier songs from the 1980's, the first & most influential decade of goth, post punk, & experimental new wave. Each song was selected to symbolize a part of the character's story and accentuate the character's personal identity statement to inspire a desire in you to become your disruption and show our disruption.
Next the characters of The Gothic Protagonist Project will romanticize various eras of gothic strain poetry & stories by bringing you the weekly Outlier readings. Again, each character will tie in their weekly selections to their personal identity statements that personify their existence within the existential strain.
Afterwards we will showcase the suggested products of the week based upon the characters and culture of our conceptual universe to inspire self-acceptance.
Finally, we remind you that the visuals and music of SonicParlor13 centralize around thirteen main characters in which the protagonists, or champions, of this group are all female... the Heroines.
The stories are designed to compel us to help women all over the world still living in a form of the
gothic and existential strain. Therefore we promise that anyone that donates to a women's foundation
will receive a coupon for 30% off any t-shirt at our store. Just leave a comment with a link to your
social media post proudly showing your donation and we will send you a coupon.